George Latimer 🤝 Republicans
Who Is Supporting George Latimer?
George Latimer was recruited to run by AIPAC, a right wing lobby group funded by Republican megadonors to support Benjamin Netanyahu’s ultra far right government.
To give you an idea of where AIPAC stands, they endorsed 109 election denying Republicans, and are now spending $100 million dollars in Democratic primaries to try to take out some of the country’s most important Congresspeople of color.
Why Are Republicans Supporting George Latimer?
Jamaal Bowman, our first Black congressman, is AIPAC’s #1 target. Because from his leadership protecting our freedoms from MAGA assaults at home, to his courageous calls for a ceasefire abroad, Congressman Bowman is one of the visionary and effective champions for us in Congress.
George Latimer stands with AIPAC and the corrupt Netanyahu, who is setting the region on fire for his own political gain. Latimer opposes Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi’s call for elections to replace Netanyahu, and opposes any effort by President Biden’s call to put conditions on weapons supplies to Netanyahu’s military.
Jamaal Bowman stands with the vast majority of us. Of NY-16 Voters, of Democrats, of Americans, and of Israelis and Palestinians alike: demanding new leadership in the region, the return of all hostages, and a permanent ceasefire that brings safety and peace to all people.
How much are Republicans supporting George Latimer?
AIPAC—whose top donors are Trump-supporting billionaires—is George Latimer’s top funder. They intend to make this the most expensive primary ever.
Not only has AIPAC given over 1 million dollars to George Latimer directly, they are using their SuperPAC to spend over $25 million dollars on hateful attack ads against Jamaal Bowman.
A group affiliated with AIPAC also spent hundreds of thousands of dollars registering over 1300 Republicans to vote for George Latimer in our Democratic primary.
Is it only through AIPAC?
Not even close. Plenty of Trump donors are supporting George Latimer directly.
Alex Dubitsky, a top Trump donor, held a Latimer fundraiser at his house in Larchmont for $6,600 a plate. Instead of rejecting this MAGA money, George Latimer attended it in person.
Daniel Loeb, a school privatizer hated by teachers unions who has donated $1.5 million to Mitch McConnell, $200,000 to a PAC supporting Dr Oz, along with millions to the Republican Party, is also a top latimer Donor.
Stephen Louro, a top Trump fundraiser who has fundraised for Lee Zeldin with January 6th organizer Kimberly Guilfoyle, told his fellow ultrawealthy Republicans: “vote for George Latimer”
Why is George Latimer siding with Trump Republicans over us?
Why are all these Trump backers throwing their support behind George Latimer? And how can he accept money from groups threatening our democracy?
Weschester deserves better. New York State deserves better. Our country deserves better. And the Democratic Party deserves better.
We deserve Congressman Jamaal Bowman who, in two terms, has proven himself to be the same thing he was during his ten years as a Principal of a top Bronx public school: a fearless progressive champion who fights for every single one of us in this district, this state and this country.
Jamaal knows that sticking for his principles and values means inviting the most expensive Congressional primary ever. But it will take a lot more than George Latimer and his GOP and special interest backers to scare Jamaal Bowman and the true progressives of CD-16 who stand with him.
So here are the real progressive results: George Latimer lost us. We stand for our progressive principles, and with our progressive Principal. We worked hard to elect George Latimer. Now, we'll work even harder to stop him.